oRaL 3xAm!nA+!oN~
konicHIWA...Ytd is swimming test, veri veri veri easy lor. Juz nid to swim 15m onli siaz. 5min finish liao wor~ =D Besides after tt, teacher allow us to swim till 4pm wor. Hee~ the whole swimming is our siaz except for a couple of boiz from 2g or 2f lor. Haha....so relax wor + hapi.Den suddenly the whole sky turned black, and soon it began to rain heavily and i mean HEAVILY! It is as if like got hurricane lai tt lehz...hehe a bit exggrating lar. So we quickly went to change and hang around the swimming complex de canteen til the rain stop lor. Quite a tiring day hence i slept at 8pm and woke up at onli 5.10am. OMG~! My alarm clock nva rang and i nva learn all my test siaz. ='( So today the test v.kelian lor. But today chinese oral is quite good. V.pleased with myself hehe...The teacher v.good siaz...veri easy-going wor. Okie okie lar, stop here wor. sayonara~!6:36 PM |
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s-0 p-r-o-u-d-o-f-m-i-s-e--l-f
kOnIcHiWa~! Recently not much things to write lor cuz seems quite peaceful and quite busy becuz of homework and tests. Quite proud and hapi with my self as I hab finish my math til 15d~! 1st time siaz...though art haben finish lor. Art v.sian nowadays cuz got tt lino block printing project. Haiz...dun realli like tt project. Hmm...todae went out with rongrong. We go rivervale mall gaigai and buy ingredients for mushroom soup. Rongrong v.like drink tt soup so she wana make at home to drink. I lehz? Mi dun like it lehz, nva like to drink campbells tt kinda of soup one. Today should be got chinese oral one but the teacher-in-charge on MC so it is postpone. Tt why got time go gaigai mahz... Haiz...mi quite nervous about the oral, later ask tt kinda of weird weird de qn, wo bu shi diedie liao le mahz? So hope tt the boat will sailed smoothly (p.s translate from chinese) lor. Okie dokie, will stop here now. sayoNARA~!6:10 PM |
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burst~! burst~! burst~!
koNIcHiwA~! So disaponted, last nite i wake up at 1am cuz i a bit hungry mahz. So i go make milk tea and drink den immediately i went to sleep, den when i wake p at 5am the time, i stomachache >.< ouch Haiz...got diarrhoea siaz...so in the end i nva go to my cca trip to explanade. So sad so sad so sad. We all ( paulpual , pearly & me ) looked forward for it for so very long. And in the end...haiz...=( Btw, the chinese test ytd was so hard, the time given was too limited. Not much ppl manage to do finish or juz barely scribble some words onto the paper and for today math test. OMG~! I dun hab a clue to the last 3 questions as i was too in pain to be concentrating with the test. *wince Haiz...surely will failed math test again liao. So scared will drop out of top 5 lehz...hope will not lor. Okie dokie...will stop here liao sayoNARA~!5:18 PM |
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t3sT...t3st & t3sT...
kOnIcHiWa~! Today nth much happen lor, juz onli hab test, test and more test. Haiz...Mr Koh bluff me siaz. He sae Ebay can anihow register use for free one. ='( There goes my comic's dream...Ya...btw, today after school got go rivervale mall to buy things with rongrong. So tired...walk to and fro frm sch to Rm and back to rongrong's hse and to rm again. Bag soooo heavy make my back ache until...>.< Okie dokie lar, gtg and do homework liao. saYoNAra~!11:09 AM |
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mAtH r3a||i mAke m3 mAd...
kOnIcHiWa~! Juz "do" my homework...so hard...do one exercise onli a few questions know. How? Muz find one day go see koh swee kun liao. So stress siz. Tml still gt geography test and chinese spelling siaz. Today got cooking practical, v.funny siaz. Jervis and Richard korkor de garlic bread almost chao da in the hands of mine. Hahaz...me nva listen to teacher properly mahz. Den ALMOST chao da. Still edible lar. Rongrong v.like to drink my mushroom soup >.< she drink half of my soup wor. Hehe...i dun realli mind cuz i also dun like to drink soup. Home-econ test quite hard, the time v.pass. Me muz scribble the words siaz. Okie okie stop here le. SAyoNAra~!10:14 AM |
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sUnDa3 bLu3z...
KoNiChIwA~! Juz finish my home econ project. OMG, there is so much hw for me. *Cries ='( Tml muz wake up early to do homework le. Mi dun intend to do art liao, really dunoe wat to draw + i haben learn home econ test yet. *Cries again... Juz wana pop in blogspot and type a few things before i grab a bit of supper den go and sleep. Really muz jiayou and hang on to my decision, i'm too fickle and not determined liao. Besides tml tml got lie huo xiong xin, read 8days tt day and found out that tml espisode is esp nice to see. Hope i will not fell asleep like the other two times. Thurday den will noe if i pass nafa anot, really hope i do lehz. Quite scared cuz later muz run again, i realli will faint and die. Okie okie...i will stop here. sAyOnArA~!1:23 PM |
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nAfa sUx~
KoNicHiWa~! Today got NAFA test...=( One word to describe: bad. I almost die on the way back to school. Really hope I pass siaz, my watch saide I juz pass by 1min or 40sec+ onli. Aren't I pathetic? Haiz...depressing tt I run so slow one. After NAFA, midah walked home with me, den i suggested wana go compass point anot, cuz i wana return my library books ( today datedue liao ) den midah said okie lor. I lend her one of my t-shirt which she claimed tt it is too small. Haha...den we rode bike to cp, ( P.S: Not actually WE rode lar, I sit behind her bike and she rode me there lor.) Very fun...she purposely ride quite fast to scare mi...Haha, it is a very enjoyable trip to cp. Now going to 9pm le, mi quite tired + sleepy, a bit no mood to do hw. So most likely i tml early early wake up and do lor. Haiz...stress arhz...homework so many...Okie okie stop here for now. sAyOnArA~!11:45 AM |
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iTs fRidAe~!
kOnIcHiWa~! Yeah...friday le...my favourite day wor...cuz got weekends mahz. Today got library, comfirm liao - Mdm Wee is our new library teacher. She not bad lar but a bit too stick to the rules le. So far so good, but Ru Zhen Jie & the rest dun really like her lehz. Haiz...got a large pile of homework waiting for me siaz. So sad...btw end-of-year examinations coming. >.< scared~ My results seems to be sliping and Lin Qiu's result are getting better ( Congratulations wor, give me some of your marks hor~ Hee...=D) Mi really better muz jia you jia you liao. But i doubt my concentration siaz. Too much distractions at home le, examples : computer, television, storybook, my bed ZzzZ.., go gaigai etc...etc... Now dun realli like art le, Mrs Lum too strict and stingy with her grades siaz. She also got v.high expectations and she always do sketches one lehz. My drawings no good one. Except for my specialty comic strips. Hee~ Tt something i am proud of. =P Today one of my sis de goldfish went missing, eww...what if it jump out and lay in one corner and rot? Eww...*sick*... Ya...before i forgot~ 2I TEAM A WON 2ND PRIZE. Yeah~! I'm so v.surprized siaz...25 dollars popular voucher. Miss Chan so bad one, she at first sae " Congratulation to you" den " Muz remember to divide the prize" ^^;; Of cuz i will lar, i not tt evil siaz. =( Dampened my mood for a bit siaz...Mrs Yeo v.hapi for us lehz. ^^ She v.good to us, giv us time to rehearse during lessons and allow us to use her homeroom lehz. THANK YOU MRS YEO. Okie okie, i will stop here. sAyOnAra~!!!9:00 AM |
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at last i can relax
kOnIcHiWa~! At last it is time after standardise test, so qing song now. Today got a form for all librarian to go to explanade to hab a farewell party for the sec 4 & 5. Other den the uppersec is coming ( *dread* ) I like the rest which include viewing the gallery and spending time with paulpaul and my "daughter", Pearly. Seems fun. Talking about outing, during the coming one week holz, midah, rongrong, tengteng and me wana go to the beach and hab a picnic. Go and hab a all-gurlz day. Mi sooooo luking forward for tt day. Besides, library teacher gonna change. I think is tt Mdm Wee lehz, but paulpaul sae she is not. Hope so lor. She a bit blur, everything also dunoe one. Haiz...hope a good librarian will come. =) Okie okie...stop here now, sAyOnArA~!9:13 AM |
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KoNiChIwA~! Today quite happy one but after reading shengsheng's blog. My mood dropped to the pit. Wahhhhhhhhhh............='( P.S to rongrong: DuN eVeR wAn m3 tO gO oUt wIf hIm aNiMor3 oR eVen BeTTeR- dUn l3t Me s33 hIm AgAin. Use rock kick me still dare to said m3. >.<>o< Mrs Norlinda today nva really mention the drama. Heng heng wor~ P.P.L today quite interesting. We (midah, rongrong,tengteng & me ) went to the art room and interview Paulpaul de group + Ms Ng. Ms Ng's personailty very good wor. Mi think she quite impressed with our ongoing questions that we ask siaz. P.P.L seemed to be getting better and more eventful. Hope everything will fall into their right places. Okie okie...stop here now. sAyOnArA~!11:13 AM |
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LaS+ DaY...
Konichiwa~*Sniff*Sniff Today is the last day of the long weekend hols. So fast over le. So sad...my homework even haben started yet. Muz admit, I'm really very lazy sia. =) Tml got swimming lessons, really muz jiayou and learn properly. Tml shengsheng got go, wonder if I got time to go and make pongpong to attract his attention anot. Shengsheng got go, tml got love story to see liao. Heehee...we can tease rongrong and him liao. Haiz...tml got Mrs Norlinda's class, so dun wana see her. She kan suai me from the begining, now my group de drama nva win, she surely more kan suai me one. Haiz...hope she tml dun come~ Okie dokie, better stop here le, SaYoNaRa~!10:28 AM |
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v3rY bRiGhT d3 dAe
kOnIcHiWa~! After so very long, i opened another blog. Hmm...i wondered how long tiz blog can lasted siaz. Today is Singapore's birthday, yeah~ thanks to Singapore. We, students hab a long weekend holiday. But i diedie le, my homework still haben start yet. Wahhh...but cannt blamed me mahz. I go gaigai, go shopshop with rongrong mahz. So i left tml to do ALL my homework le. Why i said today very bright leh? Though today is realli very sunny lar, but i dun mean tt kinda of bright. I mean dian deng pao de brightness lar. This afternoon i played the part of being a gianatic lightbulb between rongrong & shengsheng. Me=so extra. So very feel like just going home lor. Haiz...once bitten, twice shy. Next time i will remember never to go out with a couple siaz. So malu one. Okie dokie...stop here for now. SaYoNaRa~!10:51 AM |
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