1st n3w Ep3r!enCe
konichiwa~! Just three days of not updating due to pure slacking, many things happen. And one of them is abseiling. My god, it was erm...heart-stopping siax. I started trembling with fear when i was up on the 3rd story ready for my turn to climb over the railings. This is the 1st time, i tot that our school 3rd story is too high. Haha...overall the most scary part is the letting urself fall backward which mean letting ur hands off the railings and let urself so called float n the mid-air. I was like thinking " shud i or shud'n i" but too late liao, i already over the railings, too late to climb back in and shout out " I dun wana play le!!!". So i went over with it. My view throughout the abseiling is a white wall and the ropes in front of me. What a view indeed~ ^^;; Finally the report book was given back...gotten into E5, class 3K. Haha...seems like 3Kong Yanni...haha realli liddat de hua, sureli got a lot of ppl got driven to grave by me one. Mrs Yeo spent alot of time with each people lor. *sigh Found a job, but mummy gib excuses and reasons and scary remarks that i should't go. -_-;; My mother called me to go work and not clack at home, now she forbid me to go when i found one. Realli couldn't understand what she wants. Okie lar...stop here now....sayonara~!!!9:15 PM |
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konichiwa~! To inform all viewers: this entry is not forced by ms cassy. As on this veri moment, she had type this into our msn conversation-->1:01 PM |
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+h3 b3g!nG!nG
konichiwa~! Feeling veri tired plus a bit giddy due to the intense playing and watching of computer and television repectively. This is the veri begining of the holiday and i am already drowning myself with electronics stuffs. Worried for my poor eyes siaz... Yea...the hope of me wearing contact lens is veri veri little. Mummy & Papa dun allow mahz cuz scare will cause my eyes to go worse. ^^;; Download a manga for 1hr and 25 min. Whoa~ veri long siaz, luckily the art is veri nice and cute. =] Heng heng siaz... Play xuanxuan.com de boliao games. Haha...but actually quite nice lar. Den the joke flash veri lame one...make me laugh siaz. Free de hua...go www.xuanxuan.com see see ba...quite interesting one... Veri bored and go there pass a bit of time...okie okie....stop here le...sayonara~!8:36 PM |
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r3sUl+s +yM~
konichiwa~! The day has come for us to get back our result. Luckily I pass my result by mere few marks...but at least it's a pass. Quite dissapointed with my science as i pinned high hopes on it but sadly it didn't turn out as good as i wish for. But must learn to be more content siaz...if not will slip into a case of depression one. Guys and gals out there...if you're reading this...dun feel so dejected of a mere result slip...luk on the brighter side...sec 2 results doesn't mean much at all...chill and relax siaz.... Quite worried about my level position, seem quite far away for me to reach it...but wat can i do but to jus wait? Tuesday is promotion day, so dun nid to go skool. Yipee...ytd was soooooooooooooooooo boring on the talk on personaity. Duh~! Do i realli nid it to push me to my limit for suffering? I'm having a severe stomach cramp and back ache, and i nid to sit on tt hard like rock chair for 3 straight hours. I was like praying for time to slip by in a more faster pace...Everyone in the classrooom seems restless and moody. Many were seen yawning away like me. *sigh Now weekend, can rest without worries of examination and staying up late to burn midnight oil. Now a time to rest....rest...and rest...Okie dokie....stop here now...sayonara~!11:20 AM |
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konichiwa~! Finally the fateful day has come for us, the cvss students , to PARTY~!!! *evil grin* I can get to go out liao...and sleep...and eat...and best of all no stress at all. These two week is like a torture to me...so little sleep...so little time but sooo much to learn and cram into my tiny brain. *Heave a sigh* So now is like putting down a heavy stone ( translated from chinese ). =] Tml going out with rongrong...wonder wana go buy clothes tml or save for more 1st lor. Friday and monday gona get back papers...*dread* Realli wish not to luk at them. Sureli veri bad one, cuz i lazy nva study mahz...all is last min study a bit one. Ya...just now play gunbound with Sinyan korkor, quite fun...wish next tym can play again with more conversation other den: '' Wa...so pro", " No lar" , " Good shot". Haha...this is our conversation, a bit pathetic but realli enjoyed playing with him. At least this korkor treat me A BIT like a meimei lar. Hmm...play computer quite long liao...feeling a bit tired liao...stop here lor. Sayonara~!~!~!3:40 PM |
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1 m0r3 dAe +0 gO
Konichiwa~! Finally after a 1.5 hour staring dumbfoundedly with a math paper, it is over...over...OVER~!!!!! Haha...a bit less stress liao, but tml got home econ ( brain power time cuz muz memorize ) and art (eww...hate it~). Den after that...hehehe...hahaha...hoohoohoo...F.R.E.E.D.O.M!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Haha this entry is about the great mood outburst of mine. After math examination, 9.40am onli den me and rong go RM once again. ^^;; Veri sianz dere siaz...also go there nowasdaes after examinations. Intro rong to eat hot plate noodles, cuz veri cheap and veri yummy siaz. Haha...and not to said it luk veri appealing...cuz it realli attract lotsa people's attentions. People who pass our table will luk down and see our food one. Got one auntie even ask us where to buy. Haha...i and rong laugh siaz... Den after eating, we went to mac to eat ice-cream... Yum yum...haha we are goin to get real fat liao...okie lar...gtg...wish me luck for the results~!! Sayonara~!1:17 PM |
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2:39 PM |
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r3s+ r3s+ a B!+
konichiwa~! Phew~ After a long tiring battle with 8 examinations in a row, I am beat... Always feel like vomiting and passing out before, during and after examination...^^;; Stress siaz...now left lit *memory power*, math *dread* and art *yawn* den *smilesmile* holiday~!!! Hehe...arrange a row of activities for our " 4 in luv" groupie. Haha...from shopping to pinic~ So luking forward to them...den can go my hse sing karaoke...wahh...seems like so muchie fun. Wish it will arrive sooner. Ytd, sheena and me toktok on msn. Haha...though quite a short conversation but hao hao wor...cuz quite long nva toktok mahz... Okie dokie...end here liao sayonara~!9:29 PM |
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sUaY 3xAm!nA+ioN Da3
konichiwa~! Are you cursing the math paper? Or are your hands sore from continous writing? I am doing so. History paper I write 7 pages siaz. ^^;; Almost no tym to do my source based qn D (6m) siaz. Luckily, I rush and rush and rush, den do finish at the veri last 4 min. Phew! But math is not that lucky...cannt realli finish the paper...dun have tym to think the question throughly. It is like you read the question, and the answer must like immediately in your head, if not sureli no tym one lor. DotzZz...is it realli possible to do so fast? Not for me, i am sure. V.suay today...stomach ache thiz morning and went toilet 3 tyms...-_-'' Wo de min zhen ku...Still got tml to go~ But for thiz EOY examination, like very fast, the exams over liao. Even rongrong agree with me. Okie lar...gtg...sayonara~!1:25 PM |
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konichiwa...Today wake up at 6.30am, den at 6.50am liddat pack bag. I coun't believe what I saw on the timetable. Today got homeecon which equal that today got TEST!!! By the time I had found out, it was too late. I can onli count on the few sneak mins to revise. Luckily, got fren gib us some hinting, and mi managed to memorize some of the info lor. So smooth sailing for the test. Phew...very heng siaz... Haha...today duing art, mi go do my 3 design on lino block mah. Haha...very impressed that I managed to do finish leh. Haha...a bit regret cuz got one design more better den i crave tt one. Ya...now online shud be doing my art evalution but hehe...lazy lazy abit siaz. Besides, today after skool, midah, rong and mi went RM and go buy bubble tea and eat french fries. Haha...sat at the foodcourt and chat. Tok about veri veri funnyde topics siaz. Laugh veri loudly in the foodcourt. Luckily not much ppl there. Haha if not quite malu =Xx... Veri stress cux chinese a lot of words mus learn. Arg~ I rise the white flag liao. Gib me a break siaz... That all for today...sayonara~5:49 PM |
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konichiwa~! 4 more days to the main exam papers liao. *dread *dread Haiz...just refer to the exam timetable and found out that all the subjects are crammed together. ^^;; I haben start on anything except for science. *sweaty hands *sigh so stress up for the oncoming exams...wish for the exams to faster over but also scared that the exams are approaching. AH~! Now i'm toking craps... Yea if you are reading thiz, and realli feel tired, go have some rest and relac relac. Go isketch.net to play a game, is quite a kool game lorz...but play too much at one go will get v.sick of it one. So dun greedy and keep on play and play. Okie okie...stop here liao...sayonara~!1:56 PM |
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examination arangement part II
Konichiwa~! Ytd Mrs Ong nva come, so got free period. Den i and kaZhua began our journey back to our young childhood days. Haha...we began to play Vampire, ping pong, mi ray mi fah soh, shang xia zhou you bi yi bi, si go bak ad so on. Haha...it was hilarious of us. We almost laugh til our tears drop. Today, Mrs Ong allow us to relax relax, so off we go to library to read books and quietly chit chat. Mi, rongrong and tengteng read books lor. Very nice and comforable~ *smilesmile. Got a shocking news that the examination arrangement is going to change, hence korkor is not going to sit next to me liao. Haha...i believe korkor is very relieved by this news. But the worst thing is that i am going to sit with yong ming~! *faints... I nid mella's pail, i nid to puke~~~ *sigh I am sooooooooooooooooooo unlucky. Okie okie....examinations are coming and i am not even prepare, wish me luck tt i can pass~ Sayonara~!3:11 PM |
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tHe exAm aRrAnGem3nt~!
Konichiwa~! The seats were finally placed into examination arrangement. *smile *smile My 'fengshui' for tiz year is quite good. Beside me is my korkor and my "old" fren, den in front is Yuenyuen behind is Kazhua. But down there a bit bored, cuz they dun toktok one. ^^;; Haha..ya another thingy is that we hav a small family tree: Wanwan (da jie) --> Qiu lin, Jingjing --> Mella, Rourou --> Elix, Lingling --> Cheryl and korkor --> Richard. Haha...so funny today, I hugged Qiulin until she almost laugh to death, den my ducky pencil case stood in the limelight also. But you muz admit siaz...it is REALLY veri CUTE~! ( IMP MSG FOR ELIX LEE JIN FEI: Hello...you c*ck eye izzit? I press my ducky the mouth got face korkor mehz? You bian tai one, exam keep on see jervis, me and korkor. Si bian tai~!!!! ) Okie okie lar, stop here now. Sayonara~!8:44 PM |
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dOoM da3 iS cOmInG
KOniCHiwa~! Tml is start of the examination which is composition, the exam where we nid to squeeze out our brain juice juz to wirte a "beautiful" essay. ^^;; I hate it siaz...my grammer juz sux like hell. *screams out loud. Cannot tahan the stress and pressure siaz. I haben even start on any revision. I always tell myself to study but in the end....sigh~laTelY not much happenings lor. So stop here liao, sayonara~!11:59 AM |
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